Otolaryngology) |
Burning pain in ears 耳內灼痛
Cerumen (Ear wax) 耳垢
Difficulty in hearing 聽聲音有困難
Diplacusis 重聽
Ear discharge 耳分泌物
Earache 耳痛
Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears) 耳鳴
Some loss of hearing 部分失聰
Can't distinguish smell 嗅覺不靈
Epistaxis (Nose bleed) 流鼻血
Lost sense of smell 失去嗅覺
Nasal congestion 鼻塞
Nasal discharge stained with
blood 鼻涕帶血
Noisy breathing 呼吸作響
Nose itches 鼻痕癢
Postnasal drip 鼻後滴注 (黏液流入鼻後方)
Pussy discharge 鼻流膿
Rhinorrhea (Nasal discharge) 流鼻涕
Running nose 流鼻水
Sensitive to pollen/weather change/dust 花粉/天氣變化/塵粒敏感
Sneeze 噴嚏
Snore 鼻鼾
Stuffy 鼻塞
Bitter taste in tongue 苦澀
Choke 嗆喉
Clear throat 清喉
Difficulty in swallowing 吞嚥困難
Drool 流口水
Dry/Furry tongue 舌苔
Hoarse voice 發聲嘶啞
Loss of voice 失聲
Sore/Itching /Red throat 喉痛/痕/紅
Swollen throat 喉紅腫
Hearing aid 助聽器
Inner ear 內耳
Middle ear 中耳
Nasal cavity 鼻腔
Outer ear 外耳
Pharyngeal tonsil 咽頭
Semicircular canal 三半規管
Tongue 舌
Tonsil 扁桃體
Tympanic membrane (Ear drum) 鼓膜
Uvula 懸雍垂 (小舌)
Vocal cord 聲帶
Allergic rhinitis 過敏性鼻炎
Canker sore 口瘡
Diphtheria 白喉
Epistaxis 流鼻血
Laryngitis 喉炎
Nasopharyngeal cancer 鼻咽癌
Otitis media 中耳炎
Pharyngitis 咽炎
Sinusitis 鼻竇炎
Tinnitus 耳鳴
Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎 |
11 神經系統 (
Nervous System
) |
Black-out 短暫昏厥
Can't move my limbs 四肢癱瘓
Confusion 錯亂
Dazed condition 意識朦朧
Delirium 說讌語狀態
Disturbance of speech 語言障礙
Disturbance of vision 視覺障礙
Dizziness 眼花
Drowsy 昏沈
Excited condition 興奮狀態
Illusion 幻覺
Intermittent tingling pain 陣痛
Light headache 輕度頭痛
Loss of consciousness 失知覺
Nausea 惡心
Neck and back are stiff 頸背部僵硬
Nervous 緊張
Periodic headache 週期性頭痛
Spinning 旋轉式眩暈
Sudden dizziness 突發式眩暈
Syncope 暈倒
Things moving or vertigo 物件移動
Tinnitus 耳鳴
Tremor 手抖
Anxiety 焦慮
Brain 腦
Cerebellum 小腦
Cerebrum 大腦
Coma 昏迷
Concussion 腦震盪
Convulsion 全身抽筋
Depression 抑鬱
Fatigue 疲倦
Hemiplegia 半身不遂
Insomnia 失眠
Marrow aspiration 抽背脊髓液
Numb 無知覺
Paralysis 肢麻痺
Paraplegia 半身麻痺
Pins and needles 麻痺
Quadriplegia 四肢癱瘓
Tremor 顫抖
Spinal cord 脊髓神經
Unconscious 失知覺
Vertigo 眩暈(天旋地轉)
Apoplexy 腦出血(中風)
Brain tumor 腦瘤
Cerebral ischemia 腦缺血
Cerebral embolism 腦栓塞
Cerebral hemorrhage 腦出血
Cerebral thrombosis 腦血栓
Concussion of the brain 腦震盪
Encephalitis 腦炎
Epilepsy 顛癇
Herpes zoster 帶狀泡疹
Hysteria 歇斯底里症
Meningitis 腦膜炎
Migraine 偏頭痛
Neuralgia 神經痛
Neurasthenia 神經衰弱
Parkinson's disease 帕金遜症
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛
Stroke 中風
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蛛網膜下出血
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 |
---12 心臟和循環系統
and Circulatory System
) |
Beating extremely fast 心跳劇烈
Black out 暫時性昏厥
Burning feeling in chest 胸部灼痛
Chest pain 胸痛
Chest tight 胸翳悶
Dizzy/Giddy 頭暈
Fainted 不省人事
Irregular heartbeat 心跳不規則
Pale face 面色蒼白
Short of breath 不能呼吸
Spinning 旋轉感覺
Sudden stop in my heartbeat 心跳忽停頓
Anemia 貧血
Angioplasty 血管形成術
Artery 動脈
Atrium 心房
Blood vessel 血管
Coronary artery by-pass operation 心臟血管搭橋手術
Cyanosis 青紫 / 發紺
Edema (Dropsy) 水腫
Heart 心臟
Heart attack 心臟病發作
Lymph node 淋巴腺/結
Palpitation 心悸
Valve replacement 人工心瓣更換
Vein 靜脈
Ventricle 心室
Aneurysm 動脈瘤
Angina 心絞痛
Arrhythmia 心律失調
Arteriosclerosis 動脈硬化症
Bronchitis 支氣管炎
Cardiac arrest 心跳突停
Cardiac asthma 心臟喘息
Congenital heart disease 先天性心臟病
Coronary heart disease 冠心病
Coronary occlusion 冠狀動脈閉塞
Cor pulmonale 肺性心臟病
Endocarditis 心內膜炎
Heart block 心傳導阻滯
Heart complication 心臟併發症
Heart failure 心臟衰竭
Heart murmur 心漏症
Hypotension 低血壓
Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狹窄
Myocardial infarction 心肌栓塞
Myocarditis 心肌炎
Paroxysmal tachycardia 突發性心跳
Pericarditis 心外膜炎 (心包炎)
Rheumatic heart disease 風濕性心臟病
Scurvy 壞血病
Thrombosis 血栓症
Tracheitis 氣管炎
Valvular cyanosis 心臟瓣膜病
Valvular incompetence 瓣鎖閉不全
Valvular stenosis 心瓣狹窄 |
---13 呼吸系統( Respiratory System ) |
Asthma 哮喘
Blood-streaked sputum 咳帶血絲痰
Chest burning 胸痛
Chest pain 胸痛
Cold sweating 流冷汗
Cough a lot 咳嗽多
Hematemesis (vomit blood) 吐血
Hemoptysis (cough up blood) 咳血
Dry cough 乾咳
Fever on and off 間歇性發熱
Frothy sputum 咳帶泡沫痰
Grey sputum 咳帶灰痰
Moist cough 濕性的咳
Pink sputum 咳帶粉紅痰
Radiating to armpit 痛擴散至腋窩
Short of breath 呼吸困難
Short of breath after exertion
Thick sputum 咳帶濃痰
Wheezing stridor 氣喘性咳
White sputum 咳帶白痰
Yellow sputum 咳帶黃痰
Allergic 過敏性鼻炎
Allergy 過敏症
Asthma 哮喘
Bronchus 支氣管
Hay fever 花粉症
Lung 肺
Polyp 鼻息肉
Nasal congestion 鼻塞
Asthma 哮喘
Bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張
Bronchitis 支氣管炎
Bronchopneumonia 支氣管肺炎
Common cold 感冒
Emphysema 肺氣腫
Hemoptysis 咳血
Influenza (Flu) 流行性感冒
Lung cancer 肺癌
Pertussis 百日咳
Pharyngitis 咽喉炎
Pleural effusion 肺積水
Pleurisy 胸膜炎
Pneumonia 肺炎
Pneumothorax 氣胸
Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核
Rhinitis 鼻炎
Sinusitis 竇炎
Tracheitis 氣管炎
Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 |
--- 14 消化系統( Digestive System) |
Abdominal enlargement 腹部膨脹
Acid regurgitated from stomach 酸液反胃
Anorexia 食欲不振
Appetite 食欲
Bad breath 口臭
Bleeding from Anus 肛門出血
Blood in stool 糞便帶鮮血
Bowel movement 大便
Burning pain in anus 肛門灼熱
Constipation 便秘
Cramping pain 絞痛
Diarrhoea 腹瀉
Difficulty in swallowing 嚥食困難
Distended abdomen 腹部飽脹
Fecal incontinence 大便失禁
Flatulence 胃腸氣脹
Gas frequently 排屁頻密
General abdominal pain 腹痛
Gurgling sound 腸鳴
Gurgling sound in abdomen 腹腔雷鳴
Hard stool 糞便硬條狀
Heartburn 胸痛
Hiccup 打嗝
Indigestion 消化不良
Loose and watery stool 糞便稀
Loose anus 肛門便後難收縮
Loose stool 糞便軟條狀
Lost appetite 食欲不振
Lumpy stool 糞便粒狀
Mucus in stool 糞便帶黏液
Nausea 嘔吐
On and off pain 陣痛
Pass Gas/Fart 放屁
Pass out blood 痾血
Pass out worms 腸寄生蟲
Prolapsed anus 肛門脫落
Sense of pressure 壓迫感
Stomachache 胃痛
Tarry black stool 糞便漆黑色
Thirst 口渴
Throw up (vomit) 要嘔吐
Upset stomach 胃部不適
Vomit 吐
Water brash 胃灼熱
Appendix 盲腸
Gall bladder 膽囊
Pancreas 胰臟
Appendicitis 盲腸炎
Ascites 腹水
Cholangitis 膽管炎
Cholecystitis 膽囊炎
Cholera 霍亂
Cirrhosis of liver 肝硬化
Colitis 結腸炎/大腸炎
Diarrhoea 腹瀉
Duodenal ulcer 十二指腸潰瘍
Dysentery 痢疾
Enterogatritis (Gastro-enteritis) 腸胃炎
Esophagitis 食道炎
Esophagus cancer 食道癌
Gallstone 膽石
Gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍
Gastritis 胃炎
Gastroptosis 胃下垂
Hematemesis 吐血
Hemorrhoids/Piles 痣瘡
Hepatic failure 肝功能衰竭
Hepatitis 肝炎
Hernia 小腸氣 (疝氣,脫腸)
Hiatus hernia 裂孔疝氣
Hyperacidity 胃酸過多症
Indigestion 消化不良
Intestinal catarrh 腸黏膜炎
Intestinal obstruction 腸塞
Intestinal tuberculosis 腸結核
Jaundice 黃疸病
Liver cancer 肝癌
Pancreatitis 胰藏炎
Perirectal abscess 肛門周圍膿瘍
Peritonitis 腹膜炎
Pyrosis (Heartburn) 胃灼熱
Rectal cancer 直腸癌
Stomach cancer 胃癌
Typhoid fever 傷寒 (大腸熱) |
--- 15 泌尿系統( Urinary System) |
Blood in my urine 小便帶血
Burning feeling when urinating 小便灼痛
Cloudy yellow urine 尿色黃濁
Coffee color or brown urine 尿色深紅
Dysuria (Difficulty in urinating) 排尿困難
Incontinence 小便失禁
Lumbago 腰痛
Retention of urine 閉尿、尿滯留
Tea-colored urine 尿色如茶
Urinated frequently 尿頻繁
Adrenal gland 腎上腺
Bladder 膀胱
Impotence 陽萎
Kidney 腎臟
Oliguria 少尿
Pain on urination 小便時疼痛
Penis 陰莖
Polyuria 多尿
Prostate 前列腺
Swelling of testis 睪丸腫大
Testis 睪丸
Urethra 尿道
Urinary incontinence 小便失禁
Bladder stone 膀胱石
Calculus 結石
Cystitis 膀胱炎
Diabetes 糖尿病
Enuresis 遺尿症
Gonorrhea 淋病
Hematuria 血尿
Hypertrophy of the prostate 前列腺肥大
Nephritis 腎炎
Nephrolith 腎結石
Nephrosis 腎變病
Phimosis 包莖
Premature ejaculation 早洩
Pyelonephritis 盂腎炎
Renal failure/Kidney failure 腎功能衰竭
Renal stone/Kidney stone 腎石
Renal tuberculosis 腎結核
Syphilis 梅毒
Tumor of the kidney 腎瘤
Uremia 尿毒症
Ureteral stone 輸尿管結石
Urethritis 尿道炎
Urinary tract infection 尿道感染
Venereal disease 性病 |
--- 16 安寧或寧養療護( Hospice Care) |
Addiction 上癮
Advance care planning 事前療護計劃
Advance health care directive 醫療照護事前指示
Analgesic 止痛藥
Anorexia 厭食症
Antibiotic 抗生素
Antidepressant 抗憂鬱劑
Anxiety 焦慮
Artificial nutrition and hydration 人工營養及水份補充
Artificial ventilation 人工呼吸
Autonomy 自主權
Bed-side commode 床邊便器
Bedsore/pressure sore 褥瘡/壓瘡
Bereavement 哀傷、傷慟、喪慟
Bereavement support 哀慟支持
Bioethics 生命倫理
Biofeedback therapy 生物反饋療法
Brain death 腦死
Cardiac arrest 心搏停止
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 心肺復甦術
Case manager (nurse) 個案護理師
Chaplain 神職人員(院牧)
Comfort care 安適療法
Communication 溝通
Competent 決定能力
Confusion 神智不清
Constipation 便秘
Death and dying 死亡及瀕死
Delirium 譫望
Depression 憂鬱
Diaper 尿片
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Do Not Intubate (DNI) 不做氣管內插管
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) 不做急救
Drowsiness 頭昏
Drug tolerance 耐藥性
Durable power of attorney 預立醫療代理人
Dysphagia 吞嚥困難
Dyspnea 呼吸困難
Edema 水腫
Empathy 同理心
End-of-life care 生命末期療護
Ethical dilemma 倫理兩難困境
Euthanasia 安樂死
Fatigue 疲倦
Grief 悲傷
Hallucination 幻覺
Hematuria 血尿
Hemorrhage 出血 |
Home health aide 家庭護佐
Hospice care 安寧療護
Hospital bed 醫院病床
Incontinence 大小便失禁
Informed consent form 同意知會書
Insomnia 失眠
Intubation 氣管內插管
Jaundice 黃疸
Kidney dialysis 洗腎,腎透析
Living will 生前預囑
Medical decision-making
capacity 醫療決定能力
Medical equipment 醫療設備
Medical futility 醫療無效
Mourning 哀悼
Music therapy 音樂療法
Natural death 自然死
Nausea 噁心
Nonopioids 非鴉片類藥劑
Occupational therapy 職(功)能療法
Opioids 鴉片類藥劑
Oxygen machine 製氧機器
Oxygen mask 氧氣罩
Oxygen tank 氧氣筒
Pain management 疼痛處理
Pain medication 止痛藥物
Palliative care 緩和療護
Paralysis 癱瘓
Physical therapy 物理治療
Prolonging dying 延長瀕死期
Quality of life 生命品質
Registered nurse 註冊護士
Rehabilitation medicine 復建醫學
Relaxation technique 放鬆技巧
Respiratory arrest 呼吸停止
Respite care 喘息療護
Shortness of breath 呼吸短促
Side effects 副作用
Social worker 社工人員
Sponge bath 擦澡
Spiritual care 靈性療護
Terminal condition 末期狀況
Titration (給藥時的) 劑量控制
Total pain 整體疼痛
Urinary retention 尿滯留
Urine incontinence 小便失禁
Vomiting 嘔吐
Walker 幫助走路的架子
Wheel chair 輪椅
Weakness 虛弱
Withholding or withdrawing
Life-sustaining treatment 不做或撤除維持生命醫療 |