(Medical Category) |
Allergy 過敏性病科
Alternative medicine 另類醫學
Cardiology 心臟內科
Cardiovascular 心臟血管科
Dentistry 牙科
Dermatology 皮膚科
Gastric & Intestine 胃腸科
General medicine 一般內科
Geriatrics 老人病科
Hematology 血液科
Infectious diseases 傳染病科
Inhalation therapy 呼吸治療科
Neonatology 新生小兒科
Neurology 神經科
Obstetrics & Gynecology 婦產科
Ophthalmology 眼科
Orthodontics 牙齒矯正科
Orthopedics 骨科
Otolaryngology 耳鼻喉科
Pediatrics 小兒科
Plastic surgery 整形外科
Psychiatry 精神病科
Radiology 放射線科
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 性病科
Surgery 外科
Trauma 外傷
Urology 泌尿科
) |
Admitting office 住院處
Cardiac Care Unit (C.C.U.)
Dental clinic 牙科診所
Emergency department 急診室
Extended care unit (ECU) 延續病房
Home care/Long term care unit
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 加護病房
Laboratory 檢驗處
Labor/Delivery room 產房
Medical office/Clinic 門診、醫務所
Medical records department 病歷室
Mortuary 停屍間
Nursing home 護理療養院 |
Occupational therapy
department 職能治療部
Operating room 手術室
Outpatient department 門診部
Pharmacy 藥房
Physiotherapy department 物理治療部
room 單人房/半單人房/普通病房
Public health unit 公共衛生單位
Radiotherapy unit 放射線治療單位
Recovery room 恢復室
Rehabilitation center 復健中心
Speech therapy unit 語言治療單位
Terminal Care Unit (T.C.U.) 末期病房
Ward 病房
and Health Care Professionals
) |
Acupuncturist 針灸師
Allergist 過敏性科醫師
Ambulance paramedic 緊急救護人員
Anesthetist 麻醉科醫師
Attendant physician 巡診醫師
Audiologist 聽力測驗師
Cardiologist 心臟科醫師
Chiropractor 整脊師
Clinical pathologist 臨床病理醫師
Clinical psychologist 臨床心理醫師
Community health nurse 社區護士
Dental surgeon/Dentist 牙醫
Dermatologist 皮膚科醫師
Diagnostic radiologist 放射診斷醫師
Endocrinologist 內分泌科醫師
Family physician 家庭醫師
Gastroenterologist 腸胃科醫師
General practitioner 一般內科醫師
General surgeon 一般外科醫師
Geriatrician 老人科醫師
Gynecologist and obstetrician 婦產科醫師
Hematologist 血液科醫師
Herbalist doctor 中醫
Homecare worker 居家護理工作者
Intern 見習醫師
Medical technologist 檢驗師
Mid-wife 助產士
Nephrologist 腎科醫師
Neurologist 神經科醫師
Neuro-surgeon 腦神經外科醫師 |
Nurse 護士
Nutritionist/Dietician 營養師
Obstetrician 產科醫師
Occupational therapist 職業治療師
Oncologist 腫瘤科醫師
Ophthalmologist 眼科醫師
Optometrist 驗光師
Oral hygienist 口腔衛生師
Ortheopath 按摩醫師
Orthodontist 矯形牙科醫師
Orthopaedist 矯形醫師
Orthopedic surgeon 骨科
Otolaryngologist / ENT
specialist 耳鼻喉科醫師
Paramedic 救護人員
Pediatrician 小兒科醫師
Pharmacist 藥劑師
Physician 醫師
Physiotherapist 物理治療師
Plastic surgeon 整形外科醫師
Podiatrist 足科治療師
Psychiatrist 精神科醫師
Pulmonologist 胸腔內科醫師
Radiologist 放射科醫師
Radiotherapist 放射治療醫師
Resident Doctor 住院醫師
Rheumatologist 風濕病醫師
Speech therapist 語言治療師
Thoracic surgeon 胸腔外科醫師
Urologist 泌尿科醫師
Veterinarian 獸醫
---4 疼痛( Pain and Ache ) |
Ache all over 全身疼痛
Acute pain 急性痛
Back pain 背痛
Burning pain 灼痛
Chest pain 胸痛
Colic 絞痛
Continuous pain 持續痛
Cramping pain 絞痛
Crushing pain 壓迫痛
Distended pain 脹痛
Dull pain 鈍痛
Earache 耳痛
Headache 頭痛
Hunger pain 飢餓痛
Intermittent pain 陣痛
Labor pain 分娩陣痛
Low back pain 下背痛
Mild pain 輕微疼痛
Pain comes at intervals 一陣陣的痛
Persistent pain 持續性痛
Piercing pain 刺骨痛
Pressing pain 壓痛
Prickling pain 針扎似的痛
Radiating pain 擴散痛
Severe pain 劇痛
Sharp pain 尖銳的痛
Slight pain 微痛
Sore pain 潰爛腫痛
Stabbing pain 刀刺痛
Stomachache 胃痛
Tearing pain 撕裂痛
Throbbing pain 抽痛、悸痛
Tingling pain 刺痛
Toothache 牙痛
--- 5 病症( Sickness Symptom) |
Anxiety 焦慮
Biter taste on my tongue 苦澀味
Black Out 昏厥
Bloated 胃氣脹
Bloody stool 糞便帶血、血便
Boil/Furuncle or abcess 瘡/癤
Bowel movement 大便
Can't concentrate 不能集中精神
Can't crouch 不能蹲下
Can't see clearly 視覺模糊
Chest feels tight 胸悶
Chills 發冷
Coma 昏迷
Constipation 便秘
Depression 情緒低落/抑鬱症
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Difficulty in swallowing 嚥食困難
Dislocation 脫臼
Distended abdomen 腹脹
Disturbance of speech 語言障礙
Dizziness/giddiness 暈眩
Dizzy/Giddy/Faint 暈眩
Drool 流口水
Drowsy 昏沉沉的
Ear discharge 耳分泌物
Eye discharge 眼分泌物
Eyelid itching 眼皮癢
Eyelid swollen 眼皮腫
Fatigue 疲倦
Fatigues easily 容易全身無力
Fever 發燒
Fracture 骨折
Gritty/Sandy in eyes 沙粒入眼
Gurgling sound in my abdomen
Hallucination 幻覺
Hard stool 硬便
Headache 頭痛
Heatstroke 中暑
Hiccup 打嗝
High fever 高燒
Hoarse Voice 嘶啞的嗓音
Impotence 性無能/陽萎
Indigestion 消化不良
Inflammation 發炎
Insect sting 昆蟲刺傷
Insomnia 失眠
Irregular heartbeats 心跳不規則
Itch 癢
Itchy and swollen 癢和腫
Itchy throat 喉頭癢
Jaw is dislocated 下頜脫臼
Light headache 輕微頭痛
Loose and watery Stool 糞便稀
Loose stool 軟條狀糞便
Loss of confidence 失去信心 |
Loss of hearing 失去聽覺
Loss of interest 失去興趣
Loss of voice 失聲
Lost appetite 食慾不振
Lost weight 體重減輕
Lumpy stool 粒狀糞便
Mucus in stool 糞便帶黏液
Muscle spasm 肌肉抽筋/痙攣
Nasal bleeding 流鼻血
Nasal discharge 鼻涕
Nausea 噁心
Night sweats 夜汗
Nose itching 鼻癢
Numb 麻木
Pale face 面色蒼白
Paralysis 癱瘓
Pass gas; pass flatus 放屁
Pimple (Papule/Pustule) 暗瘡
Poisoning 中毒
Pussy discharge 膿狀分泌物
Radiating 擴散
Rash 疹
Red and swollen throat 喉紅腫
Relapse 復發
Ringing in my ears 耳鳴
Runny nose 流鼻水
Scalded by hot water 熱水燙傷
See things moving 見物件移動
Sense of spinning 旋轉性眩暈
Shivering 發冷、顫抖
Short of breath 不能呼吸
Sneeze 打噴嚏
Snore 鼻鼾
Sore eyes 眼痛
Sore throat 喉痛
Sputum 痰
Stop bleeding 止血
Stuffy 鼻塞
Suicidal tendency 自殺傾向
Swalloed fishbone 被魚骨噎到
Sweats 發汗
Tarry black stool 黑便
Temperature 溫度
Tension/Nervous 精神緊張
Thirsty 口渴
Throw up or vomit 嘔吐
Tiredness 疲倦
Tremor 手抖
Uncomfortable 不舒服
Unconsciousness 昏迷
Urinate frequently 頻尿
Vertigo 眩暈
Vomit 嘔吐
Watery eyes 流眼水
Weakness 虛弱
--- 6 牙科( Dentistry) |
Bad breath 口臭
Halitosis 口臭
Toothache 牙痛
Canine 犬齒
Ceramic crown 陶瓷牙套
Crown 牙套
Dental calculus (Tartar) 齒石
Dentist 牙醫
Denture 假牙
Denturist 假牙技師
Filling 補牙
Gold crown 金牙套
Gum 牙肉/牙齦
Incisor 門牙 |
Molar 臼齒
Orthodontics 矯正
Orthodontist 牙科矯正醫師
Periodontist 牙週病醫師
Root canal treatment 根管治療
Stutter 口吃
Veneer crown 環鑲
Diseases 疾病
Aphthous Ulcer 口瘡
Cavity 蛀牙
Dental abscess /tooth abscess 牙瘡
Periodontal disease 牙周病
Stomatitis 口腔炎/口炎 |
--- 7 皮膚科( Dermatology) |
Baldness 禿頭
Birthmark/Nevus 胎記/痣
Burn 灼傷
Cancer 癌(惡性腫瘤)
Contusion (Bruise) 挫傷
Dry skin 乾燥皮膚
Freckle 雀班
Furuncle (Boil) 瘡
Hyperhidrosis 多汗症
Mole 痣
Rash 疹
Scabies 疥瘡
Sunburn 太陽灼傷
Tinea (Ringworm infection) 癬
Wart 疣
Athletes foot 香港腳
Allergic contact dermatitis
Corn 雞眼/釘胼
Dermatitis 皮膚炎/皮炎
Drug eruption 藥疹
Eczema 濕疹
Frost bite 凍瘡
Infantile eczema 小兒濕疹
Lupus 狼瘡
Measles 麻疹
Pimple 暗瘡
Psoriasis 牛皮癬/銀屑病
Red Rash/Roseola 紅疼
Skin cancer 皮膚癌
Urticaria 風疹塊 |
--- 8 婦產科(Gynecology & Obstetrics) |
Amenorrhea/no menstruation 異常性閉經
Ankles and feet are swollen 腳腫
Blood clots in my menstruation
Breast engorgement 乳房充盈
Cramp in my legs 小腿抽筋
Discharge is blood stained 白帶夾血絲
Episiotomy wound hurts 外陰切口疼痛
Foul vaginal discharge 白帶惡臭
Heavy vaginal bleeding 陰道大量出血
Heavy vaginal discharge 白帶過多
Heavy/scant menstruation 月經過多/少
In labor 胎兒生產作動
Irregular periods 月經不規則
Menstrual pain 經痛
Missed a period 月經不來
Morning sickness 懷孕嘔吐
Mucus discharge 白帶呈黏性
Pregnant/Expecting 懷孕
Prolapse of uterus 子宮下垂
Some blood on my panties/Have
show 見紅
Sore nipples 乳頭疼痛
Sterile (Can't get pregnant) 不育
Swollen breasts 乳房脹痛
Thin/Thick/Purulent discharge
Throw up every morning or morning sickness 清晨作悶嘔吐
Uterine contractions 子宮收縮
Vaginal spotting 陰道小量出血
Vulva itchy/sore 外陰痕癢疼痛
Water has broken 破羊水
White cheesy discharge 白帶呈凝乳塊
Yellowish skin/Jaundice 新生兒黃疸病
Yellowish/Greenish/Brownish discharge 白帶呈黃/綠/棕色
Cesarean section 剖腹分娩
D & C (dilation and curettage of uterus) 擴張宮項和刮宮術
Delivery 分娩
Epidural analgesia 無痛分娩
Fetal movement 胎動
Hormone imbalance 荷爾蒙分泌失調Incubator 育嬰箱
Induced abortion 人工流產(墮胎)
Induced labor 引產(催生)
Membrane rupture 破水
Menopause 更年期
Miscarriage/Abortion 小產
Premature delivery 早產
Sterilization 結育
Therapeutic abortion 治療性流產
To wean 斷奶
Tubal sterilization 輸卵管結育法
Umbilical cord 臍帶
Uterus 子宮
Candida vaginal infection 串珠菌陰道炎
Cervical polyp 子宮頸息肉
Cervicitis 子宮頸炎
Endometriosis 子宮內膜異位
Fibroid uterus 子宮纖維變性
Menstruation disorder 月經失調
Ovarian cyst 卵巢嚢腫
Ovarian tumor 卵巢瘤
Pelvic infection 盆腔炎
Trichomoniasis 滴蟲陰道炎
Vaginitis 陰道炎 |
--- 9 眼科( Ophthalmology) |
Blurred vision 視覺模糊
Double vision 重視
Dry eyes 眼感甘澀
Dull pain in eye 眼部隱痛
Eye discharge 眼分泌物
Eyelid is itchy 眼蓋癢
Eyelid is swollen 眼蓋腫
Flying objects/Floaters 飛蚊症
Foreign body in the eye 眼內異物
Gritty/Sandy in eyes 沙粒入眼
Photophobia 畏光
Pussy discharge 膿狀分泌物
Severe pain in cheekbone 頰骨劇痛
Smarting pain around eye 眼部刺痛
Sticky discharge 黏性分泌物
Watering eyes 流眼水
Cornea 眼角膜
Diplopia 複視
Eye ball 眼球
Iris 虹膜
Lens 晶狀體
Optometrist 驗光師
Poor vision 視力不良
Pupil 瞳孔
Retinal 視網膜
Sclera 鞏膜
Tear 眼淚
Visual activity 視力 |
Visual disturbance 視力障礙
Astigmatism 散光
Blepharitis 瞼炎
Blurred vision 視力模糊
Cataract 白內障
Color blindness 色盲
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎
Esotropia (Cross-eye) 內斜視
Dacryocystitis 淚囊炎
Diabetic retinopathy 糖尿病性視網膜病
Glaucoma 青光眼
Hyperopia 遠視
Keratitis 角膜炎
Lacrimal duct 淚管
Macular degeneration 黃斑變性 (如色素性視網膜炎)
Myopia 近視
Nyctalopia 夜盲症
Optic neuritis 視神經炎
Photophobia 怕光
Presbyopia 老視(老花眼)
Retinal detachment 網膜剝離
Retinitis 網膜炎
Squint 斜視
Stye 瞼腺炎/針眼(眼調針)
Trachoma 沙眼
Trichiasis 倒睫 |